Democrats Abandon Effort To Remove Joe Biden As Nominee

Democrats Abandon Effort To Remove Joe Biden As Nominee

It is being reported that those Democrats who were trying to force President Biden to step aside and leave the presidential race are giving up their effort.

CBS’s Robert Costa reported on Face The Nation:

Costa said, “I’ve been speaking to some top Democrats, and they believe that those Democrats who have concerns about President Biden are now standing down politically, will back President Biden because if this fragile political moment. All of that talk about the debate faded almost instantly among my top Democratic sources as this unfolded. They say it is time for the country to stick together and that Democrats sticking together.”

The mass shooting at the Trump rally has so far not politically benefited Republicans. Donald Trump isn’t getting the sort of mass sympathy and bounce that they hoped for. President Biden has taken center stage, and Democrats have dropped their effort to replace their nominee in the name of unity.

The effort to oust Biden is history, so now Democrats can get back to work on the job of defeating Trump and his party in November.

Democrats Abandon Effort To Remove Joe Biden As Nominee
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