Mina’s Matchbox (8.5 hours), by award-winning author Yoko Ogawa, is a magical coming-of-age story centered on two girls on the brink of adolescence: sturdy, pragmatic Tomoko and her fragile, artistic cousin, Mina. Told from Tomoko’s point of view and set in Ashiya, Japan, in 1972, Mina’s Matchbox is touched with fairy-tale enchantment, depicting a family in
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The UK is “not the target” of potential US tariffs after Donald Trump’s presidential election victory, a trade expert has told Sky News. Duncan Edwards, the chief executive of BritishAmerican Business, said Mr Trump‘s return to the White House could also mean fresh free trade agreement talks with the US. Discussions stalled under Joe Biden
Martian impact basins, previously assumed to be demagnetised due to an inactive planetary dynamo, may instead reflect the impact of a reversing magnetic field, a new study suggests. Led by Dr Silpaja Chandrasekar, PhD, indicates that Mars’s fluctuating dynamo may have been active longer than anticipated, with implications for understanding planetary evolution. Impact Basins and
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