Ireland should temporarily halt its use of the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab after some reports of blood clots in vaccinated people, health authorities say. The call came after a review from the Norwegian Medicines Agency showed four new cases of “serious blood clotting in adults” had occurred after the jab. Ireland’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dr Ronan
A Russian Soyuz spacecraft carrying a US astronaut and two Russian cosmonauts blasted off from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Wednesday and successfully reached orbit, live footage broadcast by Russia’s space agency Roscosmos showed. The crew members travelling to the International Space Station (ISS) are Kate Rubins, a NASA microbiologist who in 2016 became
Brandi Susewitz founded Clear Office, a website that lists and sells high-end furniture leftover from office buildings. Brandi Susewitz When Oracle announced plans to move its corporate headquarters from Silicon Valley to Texas, it needed to clear out multiple floors of furniture sitting inside its office. Instead of putting it in a landfill, the company
Labour has revealed it will vote against the government’s flagship crime legislation, branding it a “mess” that could lead to tougher penalties for damaging a statue than attacking a woman. Shadow justice secretary David Lammy said the suspected murder of Sarah Everard had “instigated a national demand for action to tackle violence against women”. In
Courtesy of Louis Vuitton Scientific research claims that the act of planning a trip, one you don’t even intend on taking, boosts dopamine levels the same way actually traveling can. With flight restrictions in play and the population still largely unvaccinated, the very thought of venturing outside of your country—hell, out of your borough—can induce
As James Cameron’s Avatar once again became the highest-grossing film of all time worldwide today, a long-held Hollywood tradition of the previous record-holder paying homage continued. Marvel Studios, whose Avengers: Endgame was just eclipsed by Avatar, tweeted congratulations to Cameron, as well as producer Jon Landau and “all of the Na’vi Nation” for “reclaiming the
The Metropolitan Police has launched a preliminary investigation into Asma al Assad, Sky News understands.  The British-born wife of Syrian President Bashar al Assad is accused of supporting and encouraging terrorism. If charged, the Met could seek her extradition. Guernica 37 International Justice Chambers accuses her of being among a number of “influential actors” who
Minneapolis City Council will pay George Floyd’s family $27m (£19.4m) to settle a civil lawsuit over his killing in police custody. The settlement includes $500,000 for the neighbourhood where Mr Floyd was arrested, the council said. Mr Floyd’s family filed the federal civil rights lawsuit against the city last July, alongside ones against police officer