
By Howard Bloom, Founder and Chair, Space Development Steering Committee, Co-founder Asian Space Technology Summit, and Erinn van Wynsberghe, Founder, VanWyn Technologies NASA recently announced the discontinuation of its VIPER lunar rover project, a rover built to prospect the moon for a precious space commodity, water.  NASA cited cost overruns and launch delays. The decision to abandon
There is a sudden movement in the Western World to take smartphones away from kids.   It started in the summer of 2022 when social psychologist Jonathan Haidt at New York University, the father of two adolescents, was writing a book about what he called “the pervasive negative effects of the internet and social media on
By Howard Bloom The current crisis over Joe Biden’s frailty has twisted Democrats like me in knots.   Wednesday morning, July 10, actor George Clooney published an opinion piece in the New York Times calling for Joe Biden to leave the presidential race and make room for a younger candidate. Clooney joined seven other celebrities asking
By Howard Bloom, Founder and Chair, Space Development Steering Committee, Co-founder Asian Space Technology Summit, and Erinn van Wynsberghe, Founder VanWyn Technologies The space race of the 21st century is not between nations, but between China and one man: Elon Musk.  As CEO of SpaceX, Musk has revolutionized space travel, achieving milestones once thought impossible. His relentless
For the past 2 years or so, composer Randy Edelman has virtually “snuck” fairly inconspicuously, into a few intimate venues in both the U.S. (NYC/Boston) and the U.K.  (London/Manchester). These sightings, in which he performs a 2hr show, reflecting his 50+year composing career, always occur on a particular day and at a specified hour……Saturday eve at
Tourists visiting Catalonia in Spain could be subject to water restrictions as the region battles a “drought emergency”, the regional government has said. Catalan officials warned a restriction of 100 litres (26 gallons) per tourist per day for hotels would go into effect if a municipality fails to keep domestic water use by residents below
A United Airlines Boeing 737 Max 9 aircraft lands at San Francisco International Airport. Justin Sullivan | Getty Images United Airlines on Tuesday cut its aircraft-delivery expectations for the year as it grapples with delays from Boeing, the latest airline to face growth challenges because of the plane-maker’s safety crisis. United expects to receive just
The US Air Force C-17 aircraft landed in Bengaluru on Wednesday and handed over NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) NISAR to the Indian space agency which marks a milestone in the US-India ties in space collaboration. “Touchdown in Bengaluru! @ISRO receives NISAR (@NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar) on a @USAirforce C-17 from@NASAJPL in California, setting the
June 1939: British naval sub HMS Thetis sinks in sea trials. Ninety-nine people die. August 1942: Allied forces raid the coastal town of Dieppe in German-occupied France. Thousands are killed, captured or wounded, in part because coastal scouting was minimal. September 1942: British-manned torpedoes attack German battleship Tirpitz. All crewmen are captured or killed. Catastrophes