The highly anticipated adaptation of the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical In the Heights finally premiered in theaters and on HBO Max this week. The film is based on the stage musical of the same name written by Quiara Alegría Hudes with music and lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda. The film was originally set to premiere this
The Pitch: Birdtown’s most endearingly dysfunctional duo is back, and they haven’t really changed that much. Toucan Tuca (Tiffany Haddish) is the same boisterous, ebullient, troublingly irresponsible thirtysomething she always was; same with Bertie (Ali Wong), a neurotic songbird wrestling with deep-seated impostor syndrome and a stable, if unexciting, relationship with longtime live-in boyfriend Speckle (Steven
The government should revoke a series of steel quotas on cheap imports despite warnings it will damage domestic producers, trade advisers have recommended. The recommendation, described as a “hammer blow” by industry bodies, was made by the Trade Remedies Authority (TRA), an arms-length body charged with protecting UK industry from unfair competition. It has advised
If you’re going to make one addition to your wardrobe this season, make it a print. From polka dots to stripes, every pattern offers a world of styling possibilities. DOT MATRIX Courtesy Outfit 1 Adianna Dress Baum Und Pferdgarten $229.00 Agnes Hat Gigi Burris $435.00 Brooks Sunglasses Garrett Leight $360.00 Ernest Sandals
Getty Images Some of the 12,000 attendees who flew into Miami last weekend for the biggest bitcoin event in history have started testing positive for Covid. Bitcoin 2021 drew crypto enthusiasts from around the world to the Mana Wynwood convention center in Miami’s arts and entertainment district. For three days, conference goers packed into crowded