A 16-year-old boy from Pune, Maharashtra, has created one of the most beautiful and detailed three-dimensional images of the Moon by compositing 50,000 images. Prathamesh Jaju, who describes himself as an amateur astronomer and astrophotographer, said the massive number of images (over 186GB data) he had to work with almost killed his laptop while processing.
Manhattan Theatre Club’s production of Ruben Santiago-Hudson’s Lackawanna Blues is now the fifth show set to begin performances on Sept. 14, the first day of Broadway’s post-shutdown reopening. The play – written, performed and directed by Santiago-Hudson (Netflix’s Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom) – will be the season’s first Broadway production by a nonprofit theater company.
In this article CMCSA VIAC Shari Redstone, chairwoman of ViacomCBS and president of National Amusements, reacts as she celebrates her company’s merger at the Nasdaq Market site in New York, December 5, 2019. Brendan McDermid | Reuters In the words of the great Tom Lehrer, “Who’s Next?“ Now that AT&T has decided to separate WarnerMedia
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