Today’s Featured Deals In case you missed yesterday’s most popular deals Previous Daily Deals Deathless Divide (Dread Nation) by Justina Ireland for $2.99 Lot: Stories by Bryan Washington for $1.99 Queen of the Conquered by Kacen Callender for $1.99 Chocolat by Joanne Harris for $1.99 The Empress of Salt and Fortune by Nghi Vo for
Jimi Hendrix Returns to Woodstock is a live interactive digital event comparing the divisive socio-political issues of the 1960s with the divisive issues facing the world today.   The Live Event takes place on 19 September 2020, 50 years and one day after Jimi Hendrix’s death.  Jimi’s visionary insights are highlighted through exclusive extracts from the feature film, Starting At
Built airplane. Flew airplane. Crashed airplane. Met God. All set. Jim Bruton knows life. His past is marked by relentless curiosity and remarkable achievement. He was an African wilderness guide, Emmy Award-winning wildlife film director, aviator, adventurer, inventor of the satellite videophone, NBC News Middle East war correspondent, a husband, and a father. His passion
Power influencer/model/television host/fashion icon/ philanthropist Simonetta Lein made the official 2020 list of the Top Power Women In The World as seen in USA Today.  2020 ushered in @simonettalein as a celebrity TV Show host. What makes Lein a successful individual and a power woman is her resolve to shine through adversities. Recognized as one
Handsome actor/model Steve Hamm has a unique story. He is a retired Army helicopter pilot who is now a “Lifeflight” pilot while also focusing on his acting and modeling career. After having served in the Army for over 23 years and being deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan, Hamm was captured by the acting bug.
“The Grand Unified Theory Of Howard Bloom” feature-length documentary film ( has been accepted by its first international film festival—the Not Film Fest in Italy. in late August.  The film will enter general release in the United States July 21st.  The Grand Unified Theory of Howard Bloom has won best picture at the Design Science
. Style Points is a new weekly column about how fashion intersects with the wider world. Traditional fashion shows weren’t working, the designer felt. They were too stuffy and exclusive, not in step with the rhythms of the technology-savvy present. So he decided to do something a little different. This sounds like a scenario that