
The Howard Bloom Institute has established a new scientific discipline:  Omnology. The Howard Bloom Institute’s website ( describes Omnology as “the aspiration to omniscience…a discipline for the omnivorously curious, dedicated to seeing the big picture that emerges when you see all the specializations at once.” Florida’s Kepler Space University will be the first to include an
The Simonetta Lein Show is hosted by celebrity TV host and top woman influencer Simonetta Lein. This Simonetta Lein Show, along with its premiere of Season Four, has continued its series of panel interview episodes, showcasing local and international entrepreneurs, business owners, and artists, looking to share their industry insights and experiences. For the 11th
Maria Tope Akinyele Ph.D.  serves as the Assistant Director of Strategy and Innovation at the Danielson Group. She is also the founder of Agiri Learning Consultants, a firm that has helped hundreds of school leaders and organizations embrace, strategize, and enact positive changes in their pursuits towards cultural responsiveness, racial equity, justice, diversity, and inclusion. 
Redefining Building & Design Standards with Natural Disaster Resistant Safe SuperStructures™ Studio RMA™ CEO Robert Mechielsen™ has raised the industry standard with his development of the First US Carbon Neutral Safe SuperStructure™ for construction and architectural industries, corporations, and residential and commercial properties. Defying the odds of natural disaster with impressive aesthetic appeal, these Patent- Pending Inventions that are
Boripe community primary health care centre located in Osun state, SouthWest Nigeria is wearing a new look with the purchase of medicines, medical equipments and painting of the external facility. The facility upgrade is funded by the WishWall Foundation and coordinated by iRead To Live Initiative, Nigeria. The primary health centre serves a minimum of about 800
Siemly Global offers worldwide cutting edge services to help your company achieve compliance under California’s CCPA and the European Union’s GDPR privacy regulations.  The CCPA grants consumers significant rights when it comes to understanding, requesting, collecting, and protecting their personal information. These rights include: The right of Californians to know what personal information is being collected about them. The CCPA applies