howard bloom institute

By Howard Bloom On January 3rd, a new study on teens and social media hit the headlines in places like and the New York Times.  The headline in StudyFinds was scary: it warned of a “social disaster.” And it explained that “Children who frequently check social media face significant brain changes.”   But the headline was wrong. 
By Howard Bloom The Russian Defense Ministry announced on December 14th that “Russia’s Yars intercontinental ballistic missile has been loaded into a silo at the Kozelsk missile formation in the Kaluga Region in central Russia,” southwest of Moscow.  With a 7,500 mile range, the Yars rocket is able to hit the United States.  The Yars carries
By Howard Bloom On Tuesday, September 13, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini, came out of a subway station in central Tehran, walked through a park, and in that park was arrested by Iran’s Moral Security Police.  The morality policemen bundled her into their standard white and green Morality Patrol van.  And, according to Amini’s
First, let me give you the hidden bottom line of this story.  If you are a man or a boy, nature has cut your lifespan off at the knees.  Now for the news. On August 31st,  the CDC dropped some startling statistics about your probable lifespan and mine.  Life expectancy in America has gone down a shocking three years
Thought AI, an adaptive artificial intelligence systems development company, has contributed 1 million of its THT cryptocurrency coins to the recently launched Howard Bloom Institute, an international think tank led by Howard Bloom,  the man dubbed by Britain’s Channel 4 TV as the “next in a lineage of seminal thinkers that includes Newton, Darwin, Einstein,
Howard Bloom and Howard Bloom Institute leader Alex Watler will announce the Howard Bloom Institute’s debut Wednesday night at 1:10 am on 545 radio stations via the highest-rated overnight talk radio show in North America, Coast to Coast Am. Honorary advisory board members of the Howard Bloom Institute include a former Governor, five scientists, a MacArthur