howard bloom

Howard Bloom’s Space Development Steering Committee advises Joe Biden’s NASA to make a radical switch.  Stop building rockets, buy launch from private companies, and concentrate on building the infrastructure we will need to bring life to the moon and Mars.  Oh, and make every vehicle reusable. For example, says Bloom, the Biden administration can get Americans to
Joe Biden can end the man-made contribution to global warming completely, says Howard Bloom, founder and chair of the Space Development Steering Committee.    President Biden can end that man-made contribution by harvesting solar power in space and transmitting it to earth, a process called space solar power. President Biden has committed to reviving the American
Howard Bloom will be making a highly anticipated appearance in the SohoJohnny “Let Me Help, Inc” / #IAMNOJOKE Virtual Celebrity Benefit Concert taking place on from 7 PM ET – 1 AM ET on Tuesday, November 24th, 2020.  Howard Bloom has been called Einstein, Darwin, Newton, and Freud of the 21st century by Britain’s Channel 4 TV.
The Space Development Steering Committee calls on NASA to radically rethink its program to land on the moon by 2024, its Artemis program, rebuilding that lunar mission around SpaceX’s vehicle-in-development, the Starship.  In fact, the Space Development Steering Committee calls on NASA to reconceive all of its programs with the Starship in mind. Why?  The SpaceX Starship
This week, we’re witnessing a remarkable event.  In Boca Chica, TX, SpaceX is successfully conducting its first hop of its Starship.  The Starship will be the top half of a rocket designed to transport 100 passengers to the Moon and Mars.  Yes, 100 passengers. And that 100-passenger capacity will make NASA and the space plans demanded
“The Grand Unified Theory Of Howard Bloom” feature-length documentary film ( has been accepted by its first international film festival—the Not Film Fest in Italy. in late August.  The film will enter general release in the United States July 21st.  The Grand Unified Theory of Howard Bloom has won best picture at the Design Science