let me help inc

Howard Bloom will be making a highly anticipated appearance in the SohoJohnny “Let Me Help, Inc” / #IAMNOJOKE Virtual Celebrity Benefit Concert taking place on https://www.sohojohnny.com from 7 PM ET – 1 AM ET on Tuesday, November 24th, 2020.  Howard Bloom has been called Einstein, Darwin, Newton, and Freud of the 21st century by Britain’s Channel 4 TV.
SohoJohnny is presenting the “Let Me Help, Inc” FREE Celebrity Benefit Concert in conjunction with #IAMNOJOKE for Creative Visions and Meals on Wheels on November 24th, 2020 from 7 PM ET – 1 AM ET. The concert will be filled with live performances and inspirational messages to benefit those devastated by COVID-19, bullying, and prostate