
Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng will meet the head of the UK’s independent fiscal watchdog today amid the fall-out from the government’s mini-budget. The talks with the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) come after a week of economic turmoil following last Friday’s announcements, which saw the pound plunge, mortgages rocked and pension funds needing to
By Howard Bloom On Tuesday, September 13, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini, came out of a subway station in central Tehran, walked through a park, and in that park was arrested by Iran’s Moral Security Police.  The morality policemen bundled her into their standard white and green Morality Patrol van.  And, according to Amini’s
Labour has surged to record leads in multiple polls in the wake of the economic turmoil after the government’s mini-budget. A YouGov/Times poll placed Labour 33 points ahead of the Conservatives, believed to be the largest lead for Labour in any recorded poll since 1998, when the-then PM Tony Blair was enjoying his “honeymoon period”.
Sir Keir Starmer has called for a recall of parliament to discuss the financial market turmoil following Friday’s mini-budget. Speaking to reporters, the Labour leader said the move by the Bank of England to launch a temporary bond-buying programme to prevent “material risk” to UK financial stability was “very serious”. Politics Hub: ‘Growing movement’ for
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has criticised the UK government’s mini-budget, saying the plans for tax cuts and spending will increase inequality and counteract the Bank of England’s monetary policy. The conflicting government and currency policies, of seeking to ramp up growth via tax cuts and rein in inflation through interest rate rises, attracted sharp
Labour has accused the Tories of “energy disarmament” for faltering on home insulation and nuclear energy, closing gas storage facilities and lifting the ban on fracking. “We are feeling the consequences of a 12-year Tory experiment in unilateral energy disarmament,” shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves told the Labour Party conference “And what’s their answer? Lifting the
Chris Pincher will reportedly not be investigated by parliament’s watchdog over allegations of drunken groping at a private members club. The controversy surrounding the former deputy chief whip led to Boris Johnson’s demise. Mr Pincher dramatically quit on 30 June after allegedly assaulting two fellow guests at the exclusive Carlton Club in London the evening